START U UP provides professional executive management services on an outsourced basis. Our expertise with chief financial officer responsibilities, human resources, and legal and compliance oversight help in the formation of new firms…
… and with operations as businesses grow. But growing doesn’t mean having to spend a lot more on overhead. Start U Up functions as long-term trusted advisors, providing economical ongoing professional management for a fraction of the cost of full-time employees.

Jeffrey M. Glick, CPA
Founder and President
Specialist in CFO Responsibilities
Jeff has over 35 years financial management experience. His experience ranges from internal auditor at Merrill Lynch, M&A manager at Phibro Energy (Salomon Brothers), CFO at Almaz USA, CFO at Sagard Capital and founded START U UP in 2011. START U UP serves as CFO to hedge funds, private equity funds, SPAC’s, family offices and operating companies. He graduated from SUNY Binghamton (BS Accounting).